
Awesome Procedural Curves Using Geometry Node in Blender – Set 4 (S-Z)

This post continues to document more curves in addition to what we covered in Set 1 (A-D), Set 2 (E-H) & Set 3 (I-R) You can download the blend file from my Gumroad page.

Superellipse or Lame Curves

Curve Equation



Curve Equation

x2y + aby - a2x = 0

Spiral of Archimedes

Curve Equation

r = a + bθ

Semicubical Parabola

Curve Equation

y3 = ax2


Curve Equation

x = 1/cosh(t)
y = t - tanh(t)

Triscuspoid or Deltoid Curve

Curve Equation

x = (b - a)cos(t) + a cos((b - a)/a)t
y = (b - a)sin(t) - a sin((b - a)/a)t

Trident of Newton

Curve Equation

xy = cx3 + dx2 + ex + f

Trisectrix of Maclaurin

Curve Equation

r = 2a cos(θ/3)


y2(a + x) = x2(3a - x)

Tschirnhaus Cubic

Curve Equation

3ay2 = x(x - a)2

Witch of Agnesi

Curve Equation

y(x2 + a2) = a3

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